Monday, August 20, 2007

Third flood this summer.

Through the magic of capillary action, the hanging sheet soaks my bed.


Blogger Jason said...

shit your dumbbell got soaked too

1:52 PM, August 22, 2007  
Blogger inside.outside.inside.outside said...

hi adrian.

i am leaving my info here because i have
been lost in internet land trying to simply find
your contact info. now an hour later, i have a
blogspot myself and am not sure if that is what
i wanted in the first place. i really just wanted
to email you and ask you if you would be interested
in my taking your picture.

i am an old friend of rob rieben's and we talked about your work at the beach recently. i am a photographer and felt rather inspired ( in many
directions at once ) by your "schrapnel" ( or "supple" it has been called both ) piece. of course, i would want to see your other work and talk with you personally.

so i m ashley.


12:19 PM, September 05, 2007  
Anonymous Algarve Keto Gummies said...

I prefer to debate the issues not resort to dog and pony shows. It was much to my bewilderment. I'm an acknowledged expert. Weight Loss is kind of in the background. That's where Weight Loss comes from. Now here's something that my uncle relates to me, "April showers brings May flowers." We'll imagine you still sense there's value in Dietary Supplements.

5:58 AM, February 11, 2023  

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